Snapping up these enhancements doesn’t cost a whole lot of coins, so it felt like I was hitting a plateau with ranch customisation far too quickly. They’ll try to escape (or eat your damn chickens), so upgrades can be purchased to increase enclosure height or calm them down with soothing music, because there’s nothing like playing a bit of Snow Patrol to stop your slimes from cannibalising one another. Upon capturing slimes you can throw them into an enclosed pen and feed them for profit. This excrement appears to be the lifeblood of Slime Rancher’s economy, and it’s where the majority of your profits will come from. When eating their favourite foods, Slimes produce a valuable resource known as Plorts. Slime Rancher has a few issues such as this, small hindrances that require only a few changes to make something better. This meant I had to frequently sort through inventory space and banish silly things I either didn’t need any more or never did in the first place. It can be a frustrating device as you accidentally absorb all manner of objects you didn’t expect. Inventory space is limited at first, but upgrades are nice and easy to obtain back at home base. Whether it’s a group of slimes, carrots or mysterious treasures, all of them can be stored and taken back to your farm.

Players can use it to vacuum up the majority of items and creatures they come across. The VacPack pretty much does what it says on the tin. However, they do require a fair bit of grinding. These obstacles are hugely rewarding to overcome, each one indicating a milestone in your ranching career. Well, some of it, as a handful of areas are locked behind virtual paywalls you’ll need to surpass. Wielding your trusty VacPack, you’re ready to take on the world. Located in the furthest confines of space, the surrounding areas are filled with all manner of unusual creatures ripe for capturing, killing and feeding, depending on the approach you choose. You play as Beatrix LeBeau – a young, adventurous girl, who finds herself the new owner of the ‘Far Far Range’. It’s a lot of clean, simple fun, but it is consistently held back by minute technical issues and an unusual lack of focus. You’re always pushing forward, whether it’s a drive to make a few extra pennies, or staking your claim as a revolutionary Slime Scientist. Monomi Park’s delightful outing is filled with such moments.
It was a small mission I set myself in a series of wider, more pressing matters.

Not only was it incredibly grim for an experience as cute and wholesome as Slime Rancher, it also meant I’d have to venture into the wilderness for new feathered friends to occupy my farmland. I didn’t expect to get so angry at a group of slimes breaking into my chicken pen and eating them alive.