Instead of donating items like we did in Tales of Zerestria or collecting titles like Tales of Xillia, Berseria returns to the series' roots of Grading the player off of their performance in battle.
So at 5 stars you'd have 50% reduction to the SG cost of the arte when you have this skill equipped. The Grade Shop is back at full force in Tales of Berseria with the return of the Grading system of old.
beginners guide learn how to gain soul guage / pointshow to do mystic arteshow to perform long comboshow t. Lower SG cost of arte with more stars: For each half star you lower the SG cost of the arte by 5%. TalesOfBerseriahow to fight in tales of berseria. So at 5 stars you'd get 2x the chance for chance effects to trigger when you have this skill equipped. So at 5 stars you'd get an extra 0.66 seconds of super armor when you have this skill equipped.īetter chance of triggering chance effects with more stars on artes: For each half star you get an extra 0.1x chance.

Longer super armor with more stars on artes: For each half star you get an extra 0.066 seconds of super armor. So at 5 stars you'd stagger 0.25 seconds longer with that arte when you have this skill equipped. Stagger longer with more stars on artes: For each half star you stagger 0.025 seconds longer. So, if you had 5 stars on an arte you'd be doing 50% more damage with this skill equipped. More damage at higher combos: For every hit your damage goes up 1%, so at 100 hits you'll be doing double damage.ĭo more damage with more stars on artes: For each half star you get from using an arte X times you gain 5% more damage on that arte. Here's some concrete numbers on exactly what you get with each skill (note that you don't get all of these bonuses just by having high arte usage, you must be wearing the appropriate title as well, which will have just 1 or 2 of these bonuses): The other thing that arte usage count does is work in conjunction with certain skills (mainly you'll find these on titles - things like "do more damage with artes that have more usage"). A tale of emotion versus reason In TALES OF BERSERIA, players embark on a journey of self-discovery as they assume the role of Velvet, a young woman whose once kind demeanor has been replaced and. Her Break Soul will throw enemies into the air. Which one of the seven Finishing Artes she will use depends on how strong the arte is that the enemy was about to cast, or how many enemies were casting an arte. Contrairement à Eizen ses Artes vont faire tenter de prendre de la hauteur au joueur. Cant find any artes that are really good to follow up with.

Advantageous encounters double the amount you get, but dangerous or risky encounters don't give you any. When she interrupts an enemy successfully, she will use a Finishing Arte. For Tales of Berseria on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Eleanors. If you count up all the stars a character has across all of their artes, that's how many BG 'points' you'll get back at the beginning of every battle (100 BG points = 1 BG). The stars you gain by using artes a bunch of times serve two purposes.